What slang nutrition clients have to say.
What slang nutrition clients have to say.
Sounds good. Meals that are easy to prep and take on the go work out best for us. We are constantly running the kids from one activity to the next and these meals were easy to both make ahead of time, pack up and take with us. Weekends are the same, we spend most of the weekend days at the soccer fields, lol.
Loving my new plan, I am so sorry I have a few crazy days. I am officially and junior now that school is out and I won my class president election! I can definitely see a change in my body. I also have been doing more strength workouts along with toe touch! I am a lifeguard this summer so everyday I go to work they have me swim laps which gives me some cardio as well!
Hi Mrs. Langenderfer! Meals are going well! I’m really liking the oatmeal breakfast and I loved the quinoa mixed veggie meal!
Down two more lbs this week!
First time comfortable posting a pie of myself!! I know I should’ve done before pies but I was so ?!!!
Yep I’m doing great 10 pounds down! Good energy level I’m trying to sleep at night but it is hard with finals! Energy is up and I normally eat my snack before my workouts! Water intake good I love putting fresh lemon and cucumber in my water!
Awesome can’t wait!! Hit 110.6 this morning!! I feel phenomenal!!
Good morning!! I feel like I’m back on track. This past Sunday my weigh in with my trainer was a humbling experience my weight was up to 171.5 today. I’m back down to 164 lb. My energy has been amazing all week, skin clearing up, sleeping better at night!
Let’s suffice to say I was fitting into size 8 comfortably!!! I’m back down to size 3!! Winning!!!
They are easy and not too much. I am losing weight!! I know it’s only been a couple of days but I never see the scale move. I am ready for the next meal so I think that’s good-but not too hungry.
I feel like I am eating enough, in the right proportions, to both keep me satisfied and keep my blood sugar regulated. I haven’t had any cravings (maybe a teeny bit so then I have the Quaker chocolate rice cake which for now is satisfying my sweet tooth).